0412 757 712

Workplace Massage

Both employer and employees benefit from workplace massage. Seated massage takes just 15 minutes. Staff return to work renewed, able to focus on the task at hand in a refreshed state of mind.

Seated massage is a combination of massage techniques specifically designed to bring the benefits of massage to the workplace.

Seated massage is a preventative medicine which can head off muscular skeletal problems, release accumulated physical and mental tension, increase circulation, energy and mental clarity.

A typical workplace massage

  • Takes 15 minutes
  • Is given over the clothing with the client seated on an ergonomically designed chair
  • Targets the key stress affected areas of the body – neck, shoulders, back, arms and hands


Workplace massage increases productivity by:-

  • Enabling employees to deal with work pressures more effectively by reducing the effects of accumulated physical and mental tension.
  • Helping fulfill the Company’s duty of care.
  • Reducing workcover claims and absenteeism due to work related illness.
  • Boosting company morale.
  • Reducing stress levels.
  • Improving concentration levels.
  • Is tax deductible.


  • Increases physical and mental energy levels.
  • Relieves neck, shoulder and back pain.
  • Assists with headache management.
  • Helps avoid muscular skeletal problems.
  • Reduces stress levels.
  • Shows the Company cares about their personal well being
  • Provides a regular event to look forward to at work

0412 757 712





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